For step-by-step instructions on how to get to your practice questions, check out this article.
Q: Does clicking my link automatically start my interview?
A: If you have already started your interview, clicking the link again should allow you to pick up on your interview from the next question that you left off from. If you haven't started your interview, clicking the link will not automatically begin your interview, and following the click-through prompts should allow you to select an option to practice.
Q: How many times can I practice?
A: There are three generic practice questions that you can redo as many times as you need. There's no limit, we want to make sure you feel comfortable and ready to really succeed at your interview!
Q: Will I be able to see my responses?
A: You will be able to review your response from your practice questions, so this is a great time to make sure that you're happy with the lighting or sound quality of your video, as you will not be able to do this with your actual interview.
Q: Can anyone see my practice questions?
A: No. Practice questions are never uploaded or submitted to anyone, nor can they ever be viewed by anyone except yourself. Once you move past the playback, they are gone and cannot be retrieved.
Q: Are the practice questions similar to questions that will be on my interview?
A: Because every hiring company selects their own question sets for each position, we have no way of telling what may be on your interview. The practice questions are really there for you to get familiar with the software and answering on camera, however, we recommend preparing to answer some questions that may be related to your role that you are specifically applying to since the practice questions are pretty generic.
Q: Will I be able to see my actual interview questions before I take the interview?
A: No. In order to promote fairness, HireVue gives each candidate the same amount of time to review, prepare, and respond to each interview question during their recorded interview.