Game-based assessments help assess the skills needed for the position you are applying to. There are a variety of different games that may be included in your interview. When you take game-based assessments, there will be instructions on how to play each game.
Use the following steps to understand how to take a game-based challenge on a mobile device:
- Before starting the section, you will see the number of games in the section and instructions. Click Begin to continue to the games.
- Next you will be prompted to the game section area, here select "start" to continue forward.
- Now you will gain a screen where you will see all your listed games to complete. Select the play icon to begin the first game.
- Immediately after you select the play icon a video will begin playing with instructions of the game and how to play it. Once the video finishes you are welcome to select "start game" to start or you can also select "replay instructions" if you wish to view the instructional video again.
5. In the game, you will see the level and remaining time. Click the pause icon to pause the game at any time.
6. When you pause the game, you can review the instructions again and toggle the sound on and off.